
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Is Hate Spreading a Part of Liberal Agenda?

      Please try to imagine how a typical liberal looks like. Personally, when I think "liberal" I  think one of three types. Either a type wearing loose fitting albeit quite expensive clothes with manufacturer-made holes in them, with messy but artful hairdo and somehow hysterical features. Or an academic type, with no small amount of salt & pepper facial hair, distinguished look and authoritative manners. Or maybe a Hollywood character, with mansions all around the world and a huge saving account, flashing a professional botox-supported smile with a lot of concern for Sudanese poor or Nigerian sick in their eyes.
      Now all of these don't seem like dangerous characters, do they? Usually their favorite song is about poor & oppressed, or about people who are taking advantage of any underdog & are hell bent on exploiting these poor & oppressed. It pays to admit that they do cause some sympathy. More then that, I am willing to admit that every now & then they even have a bona fide cause. After all, they try to unite with needy, and isn't that what every decent human being should do?
     Unfortunately for the humanity, they know little about history. Similarly, they know next to nothing about sociological aspect of their preaching & what deadly consequences many modern societies could experience as the result. And they have one more thing in common: zero tolerance for dissenters. Everyone who disagrees with them at the slightest is an idiot, a stupid fool or an outright enemy of humanity. Every label is easy to fly from their tongue, including bigot, racist or chauvinist. That serves the purpose of immediate alienation of every critic - no matter his or her good intentions - of the minorities, be it racial, religious or sexually oriented. No matter that these people are no friends to many minorities. To some they are outright hostile. To some, indifferent. To some others they are doing a grand disservice. But this article is about liberals & hate.
     Many decades back a liberal was someone who stands, among other good causes, for the freedom of opinion. No more so. The dissenters are labeled as an enemy. As such, they could be called any names simply because they don't share the same philosophy.
    Following are just a few examples of blunt hate speech from the left. Everyone is invited to verify this information on the internet.
   - Ex-CIA agent Larry Johnson: " Karl (Rove) is a shameless bastard. This could explain why his mother killed herself. Once she discovered what a despicable soul she had spawned she apparently saw no other way out".
   - Mike Malloy: "Maybe at that point, Limbaugh will do the honorable thing and just gobble up enough – enough Viagra that he becomes absolutely rigid and keels over dead.
   I can easily go on & on but that's good enough. And these are the people which claim that they preach universal acceptance & love. Truly, the 21st century expressions of love had probably changed in some circles since they were invented.
   Looks like the liberals are succeeding in their appeal. Lots of high school & universities students are buying  these rhetoric. This is disturbing. Do we want to become "united country" just as the communist regimes wanted their people - no opinion at all except the officially declared one? Why many otherwise good folks are accepting that? Because it's so easy? Because it does not require you to comply logical arguments or to get involved in any discussion which would force you to exercise your brain? Or because they lose hope not seeing really strong leadership from the conservative side? So now it is "cool" when your principal is referring to the people on the right as "these idiots". Or refuse to let Condoleezza Rice at Rutgers while willingly accepting some hate-promoters from the opposite camp. Or to ostracize a college sophomore if she does not support left wing demagogy. Hollywood is notorious in sustaining this agenda. Just take a look at some network anchor comments in TV series "Newsroom". Presidential candidate & the mother of five Sarah Palin, not a genius in politics but a decent human being nevertheless, was made the object of bad taste personal jokes on a lot of TV shows during 2008 election campaign. Subsequently, she has been portrayed brainless by Julienne Moore in very average "Game Change" movie. Sure enough the piece is getting Emmy Award, and Tom Hanks, the movie producer, was even thanking "our Founding Fathers for the process they came up with that has provided not only us and HBO and all the comedy series here a plethora of material...".  Very funny indeed!
  The purpose of all this is to dehumanize their opponents. Anything goes when talking about conservatives. Lie stops being lie. Offence stops being offence. Decency is not existent. Exactly the sane tactics were used by communist regime rhetoric to describe "capitalists" and by Nazi to describe the Jewish people. Americans are pushed to believe that all problems in their lives are caused by someone else, someone different to the point of being inhumane. Only future will show if this tactic works. Hopefully, as November'14 elections showed, Americans have started to realize the liberals for what they are: anti-American populists trying to intimidate the entire country into accepting their ideology of  welfare state. I let everyone to decide for themselves, how much do you want this. 

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