
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Rolling Stones Glorifying Terrorist

          Rolling Stones reached a new bottom of indecency:  Boston marathon terrorist Dzhochar  Tsarnaev is proudly displayed at their cover. What is this: a dictated by bad taste desire for a controversy, an intentional effort to create a scandal, or maybe just a senseless attempt for a public shock? I say none of the above. Of course, there is no such thing as a bad publicity. But are we talking about the magazine's publicity or about promoting the terrorist's views? Why do they at Rolling Stones are trying to show a nonexistent "human face" of an individual guilty of killing three, maiming more than a dozen and injuring hundreds of innocent people, including kids?  And please don't remind me the presumption of innocence here. 9/11 terrorists were not pronounced guilty in the out of law but let's call mass murderers by their exact names.
          The explanation is very simple. This is a part of liberal agenda to brainwash minds of people. They want us to believe that we in America are on the side of evil. That we are always wrong. That we are the bullies which are getting what we deserve. That may be - just may be - that whoever attacks our way of life could be within their rights.
          Janet Reitman, come out and tell this to the mother who now has two sons without a leg. Tell this to the parents whose kids just wanted to watch a maraphone and  became maimed. Tell this to all the families of the victims. Tell this to all the people who, regardless of desperate efforts of "journalists" like you still have a clear understanding of what integrity and decency is about. Just  come out and tell it to them and explain why did you choose to do what you did. And don't be surprised if some of them will spit in your face.

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