Another vicious crime is on the front lines again. Two black teenagers and one white senselessly murdered in Oklahoma 23-year-old Australian baseball player Christopher Lane just for the fun of it.
Although local police was able to apprehend the suspects almost immediately, initial reaction from media was very wimpish. And not surprisingly so. The victim is white and on a success track, the main suspects are black (the white kid, Michael Jones, was behind the wheel in the car used by two others while shooting at Mr. Lane). So what is there to draw the public attention to? Even Bill O'Reilly, authoritative as always, plainly rejected the racial aspects of the crime. Most media made a quick reference to it without mentioning the race of the suspects, and the whole thing appeared on the news probably just because a victim was a promising foreign athlete.There were attempts too brash the murder away as "local news".
But than the situation quickly became less manageable. Christopher Lane was shot from behind just for the kicks of it and most of America is disgusted by the crime. Crying family members of slaughtered Australian were shown on TV. Former Australian Deputy Prime Minister Tim Fischer and some others practically called for boycotting America. The CNN, usually not eager to report crimes involving blacks perpetrators, published a reference to white-hatting remarks made on twitter by James Edwards Jr., the guy who allegedly pulled the trigger.
When Hispanic young man Edward Zimmerman killed black teenager Trayvon Martin- in self-defense, according to the court verdict - multiple race hustlers like Al Sharpton and their liberal friends from MSNBC and other countless outfits immediately called for protests. Demonstrations, although mostly peaceful, were organized in many cities. Racial discrimination became the word of the day and many on the left threw themselves into political speculation trying to put their usual rhetoric into additional polarization of our society. Even term "white Hispanic" was created. Trayvor Martin has been pronounced a one more victim of a white man. Even, regretfully, President Obama weighed in on the issue mostly in support of Trayvon Martin.
Just a few days after the verdict, three black teenagers committed a brutal attack on 13-year old white boy on a school bus and left him with black eyes and broken arm. They were given nine months probation, a slap on the wrist. Besides a few conservative websites, nobody protested. The crime was practically dismissed by both the law and the society.
Now crimes by young black males are getting on some front pages. We'll see if any good conclusion will be made by Al Sharpton and the others. Jesse Jackson already placed some ambiguous entry on twitter after saying to Breitbart News that these two cases could not even be compared.
Each day brings news of another attack of black kids on whites. 88-old WWII vet has been beaten to death by two black teenagers. I am pretty sure neither this case nor killing of Australian athlete would get as much media attention as Ed Zimmerman's. Media, mostly controlled by liberals, would do a usual disservice to black communities, to young generations of all races and to our society at large by refusing to bring public attention to tremendous problems in some communities. And because of that many people who really care could not offer any viable solutions. Not only the victims suffering from these terrible crimes. Suffer kids which don't get proper upbringing. Suffer their families. Suffering is waiting around the corner for the other young ones which will follow in the steps of mindless criminals.
One the main problems is deterioration of families across all races in America. Unfortunately, the black community suffers most from the absence of a father figure for the growing kids. It would be great if black youth (along with the young people of all races) will be given some great role models to follow. But who are going to be the ones? Al Sharpton? Jesse Jackson? Some entertainers who promote disregard for the law? Even my opponents will laugh at these propositions. But there are numerous prominent people who, given the chance, could be promoted by media and community organizers as role models for the black kids. Dr. Carson, Bill Cosby, Condoleza Rice and Don Lemon, to name a few. It would be just one solution among many to revitalize black communities, some of which are in deep disarray.
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