Congratulations to all the supporters of unrestricted free speech for everyone, including military personnel & keepers of classified information! Infamous private first class (now just private to be dishonorable discharged) Bradley Manning was given 35 years in prison. So he will be free in 6 because he already spent in jail close to 4. What a celebration of permission to bubble up whatever you know to the entire world, no matter the consequences. Who cares, let's just publish whatever you know on Wikileaks. No matter that people will die because of your inability to understand what is a national or military secret. No matter that our enemies will benefit from it. And yes they will as although Manning was cleared from intentionally helping the enemy charge (which I think is ridiculous but accept it as a word of court), there is no doubt his misdeeds greatly helped the enemy of all kinds. According to his prosecutors, Manning's actions "created grave risk, disrupted diplomatic missions and endangered lives". Julian Assange, the biggest anarchist and traitor of all times, rejects this claim. Well, this only adds validity to it.
Slap on the wrist to a traitor, what a great encouragement to everyone on the far left, trying to enhance our liberty but in fact curbing it from every direction. Mr Manning applied for presidential pardon. Well, he lives in a great country, which he betrayed multiple times over, and he is within his rights on that. But I have a dream the prosecution will appeal that parody of court-marshal decision, and I do hope this "sentence" will be increased rather than eliminated. And before someone will accuse me of being bloodthirsty, I will tell you this. People in more than one country will die because of this. Mindless individuals with no sense of responsibility whatsoever and liberal agitators with an agenda to create a global anarchy will encourage anyone with a knowledge of military, intelligence, diplomatic and even crime-fighting secrets to make a full disclosure to public at large - around the planet. Yes, believe it or not but no operation in aforementioned fields would ever be planned and conducted without tons of classified information. That is how it always used to be in history, in any society. And that's how it will continue to be done to achieve a slightest chance of success. Seems obvious - that is, of course, if you are not in favor of anarchy. And if you are, you won't like it if God forbid it'll kick in. You want to check it out - go ahead and spend some time in Somalia. Or Chechnya. Just make your arrangements with a funeral home upfront - provided any piece of you will be shipped back by the folks out there.
Now I would like to make some reference to people which help treason criminals like Manning in the media. Of course, they do have the right to exercise the 1st amendment. But if they actually help traitors by spreading their information and transferring them through the country lines - than we have to be reminded that in law this is called "being an accomplice after the fact". One of the most active in this field is Glenn Greenwald, associated with Guardian. His spouse David Miranda, a Brazilian citizen, was detained by UK authorities for a few hours in an airport - and sent back to Brazil for physically transferring highly classified information to UK. Jeff Toobin, a CNN legal analyst far from being conservative, compared David Miranda to a drug mule Now, Mr. Miranda has to be grateful that no terror charges were pressed against him. But maybe we may have to take a more close look at Mr. Greenwald. There should be some limits to dangers and harm permitted to inflict on his own country by an American citizen.
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